Thursday 22 May 2008

Recycle Michael

Hello my name is Recycle Michael, I am made completely out of recycled goods!

I am here to show and encourage you how to recycle, reuse materials and reduce waste also how to save energy and water.

Working with Dan, Skipper and Rusty is brilliant. We make a great team. Dan does the gardening and chatting, I do the recycling, Skipper does the barking and Rusty does the moaning, sorry mowing.

If everyone Recycled then we would not have to chop down as many Trees.
I think it is unfair to the Trees to throw their good Paper in the bin when it can be re used.
Recycling is my favorite hobby, Dan takes me in his van when he works so I can recycle and compost the stuff that they don’t need.

Remember that recycling starts at home whether you are starting a compost heap or recycling paper,
plastics and metals.
Not everyone in the World recycles so if we try harder we can make it up for them.

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